Follow up after radiotherapy

When your course of radiotherapy ends your treatment team will give you information and advice about your recovery. They will go through how to cope with any side effects.

They will also give you a contact number you can call in case you have any questions or worries.

Hospital appointments

You will have regular follow up appointments. These may be at the radiotherapy department or at your original hospital. There you might see your radiotherapy doctor (clinical oncologist) and specialist nurse.

How often you go varies from one hospital to another. But as you recover from the treatment you won't need to go so often. 

Your radiotherapy team will be in touch with your GP to tell them about your progress. Follow up appointments give you the chance to discuss any problems or worries which may have come up.

It can help to make a list of points to discuss before you go so you don't forget anything important.

Phone appointments

Instead of appointments at the hospital, you might have a phone call. This will be by a member of the treatment team, such as a specialist nurse or your radiographer.

You can contact the radiotherapy department or your cancer specialist if you have any problems or worries in between your appointments or calls. You don't have to wait until your next scheduled appointment.

Let a member of your radiotherapy treatment team know as soon as possible if you think you have any long term side effects from the treatment. Your doctor or specialist nurse can help you to cope with them.

Contact your doctor or specialist nurse if you have any concerns between appointments. You should also contact them if you notice any new symptoms. You don’t have to wait until your next visit.

  • Radiotherapy Services in England 2012
    Department of Health
    November 2012

  • Radiotherapy: developing a world class service for England. 
    Report to Ministers from National Radiotherapy Advisory Group, 2007

  • External Beam Therapy (Radiotherapy in Practice) Third Edition
    Peter Hoskin
    Oxford University Press, 2019

Last reviewed: 
18 Mar 2024
Next review due: 
18 Nov 2027

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